We believe that aesthetic is not something superficial but something extremely essential for our development, our wellbeing, our health and our lives.
The universe that we live in is not material but instead is a field of energy, that is malleable to our influence. The essence of our lives and all life therefore is spiritual and filled with this energy. It is through beauty that we first experience this. The beauty and pristine glory of nature and in things around us evoke in us awe as we are inspired by it. The perception of beauty is a kind of barometer telling each of us how close we are to actually perceiving the energy. This is clear because once you observe this energy, you realize it’s on the same continuum as beauty.
The things that we perceive as beautiful may be different, but the actual characteristics we ascribe to beautiful objects are similar. When something strikes us as beautiful, it displays more presence and sharpness of shape and vividness of color. It stands out. It shines. It seems almost iridescent compared to the dullness of other objects less attractive.
To feel good vibes, we all need a comfortable, beautiful, aesthetically correct environment where energy can flow and the eyes can enjoy.
So here it is. Our collection of beautiful Tribal God´s and Goddess` Clothing.
Manifesting a fashion and design brand has felt like one of the hardest but most fulfilling missions in terms of creativity, motivation, shootings, discipline, wonders, breakdowns, excitement, fights, division of labor, schedules, modeling, choosing pictures, living and learning we ever had.
When we were traveling in India and being touched from all this colorful and tribal inspiration around us, we decided very spontaneously to manifest our countless ideas about clothing and start to create something new. In magical Pushkar, Rajasthan, we met tailors that became friends. They helped us to put our ideas into action. We carefully chose the tailors that work and produce in a way that we can support, which means we also looked into the fabrication of the clothing and into factories and joineries.
We are in personal contact with the tailors and hope to be working with them in the future again! After weeks of drawing sketches, discussing, changing everything again, going away for two weeks, coming back to Pushkar and finding everything completely differently than what we wanted it to look like (welcome to India!), changing it again, freaking out, putting ourselves together again and moving on, we finally held the finish products in our hands, full of joy, pride and excitement!
We stepped into the clothing business without really realizing what it means to be a designer and we are constantly, day for day, learning and growing from this new chapter in our life.
After everything was sent to Berlin, we had to start the marketing, organize the shooting, shoot all these amazing models that we are lucky to be calling our friends and, of course, engage in Social Media.
As many of you know, this was and still is the hardest part for us. We both don´t like living in this extremely virtual world of Instagram, Facebook and co. and we struggle with marketing but we feel a deep gratitude for this challenge that lets us grow out of ourselves and become more self-confident.
We want to thank all the beautiful souls who supported us on this way so far. Thank you amazing gypsies, tailors and friends of Pushkar. Thank you my beautiful friends for modeling. We couldn´t be prouder than we are, when looking at you in our cloth.
And thank you Mother Gaia, mesmerizing Planet Earth, and all your strong tribes and landscapes for giving us inspiration in the last years of our life, filled with all of these magical travels. May all of your beings recognize peace as the only way to rise in consciousness, heart, spirit and mind. We are united in our differences.
Please help us by spreading the love and the word, liking our page and sharing it with your loved ones.
Thank you so much

And a Poet said, Speak to us of Beauty.
And he answered:
Where shall you seek beauty, and how
shall you find her unless she herself be your
way and your guide?
And how shall you speak of her except
she be the weaver of your speech?
It is neither the image you would see nor the song you would hear,
But rather an image you see, tough you
close your eyes and a song you hear, tough
you shut your ears.
People of Orphalese,
Beauty is life when life unveils her holy face.
But you are life and you are the veil.
Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
But you are eternity and you are the mirror.
-Khalil Gibran
from the Prophet