The Witch Wound

A 5 – week online Group Mentoring in which we address the herstorical & sociocultural background of feminine wounding and explore tools & medicine to come back into our enormous power

18TH OF APRIL 2022

Do you sometimes feel stuck, disempowered or frozen? 

Do you at times still hold back? Are you dimming your light?  Are you afraid of stepping into your full power?  

Do you struggle to open up your voice, speak your truth or stand up for yourself ?

Are you afraid to be judged or excluded? 

Are you longing for support and a deeper understanding of the origins of your fears and struggles ? 

Did you know that the last witch was burned

                              in 1782?

That is  n o t   l o n g   a g o !

Let us bravely look and dive into :

• Ancient wisdom about the Sacred Feminine & historical background of global attempts to suppress her

• The Archetype of The Witch:  roots & sociocultural context of Witch Hunting & it’s consequences for modern witches

• Epigenetics, Ancestral Wounding, Intergenerational Trauma and Conditioning

It is needed!

We need to look there.

Your Ancestors have been

waiting for you to do so.

~~~ Together we will find  o u r  m e d i c i n e s

What to expect

 • Holistic Group Therapy

 • Strong sisterhood support

 • Classic therapeutic as well as psychospiritual approach

 • Transpersonal Therapy

 • Sound Healing & live Medicine Music concerts

   •  Voice Activation

   •  Family Constellation 

   •  Creative & therapeutic writing

   •  Yoga Nidra & Hypnotherapy 

   •  Praying

   • Rituals & ceremonies 

witch wound
female empowerment

The magic cauldron

~~~ recorded live sessions with acces for a lifetime

~~~ homework & constants guidance & input via Telegram 

~~~ poems and literature 

Affordable sliding scale and payment plan available  Write me here for more information and a non- binding and free getting-to-know-each-other-call

Here are some testimonials about my online courses:

Über mich: Elena Judith

Ich sehe mich selbst als alte Seele, ein schamanisches Kind der Erde, Hexe und Lichtarbeiterin. Meine Mission und Bestimmung ist es, anderen Menschen zu helfen, sich selbst besser zu verstehen und Schattenanteile zu integrieren.

Jeder weiß, dass wir nicht von unseren Schatten wegrennen können – ich helfe dir in einem sicheren Rahmen und durch die gemeinsame Arbeit in der Gruppe, alles in dir willkommen zu heißen und anzunehmen.

Du kannst mich auch über Instagram kontaktieren. Hier geben wir kostenlos wertvolle Impulse über Schattenarbeit, Yoga Nidra, Astrologie & Human Design und vieles mehr.