She Who Bleeds But Cannot Die
A 5 week online journey through the
Archetypes of the Great Mother
Recorded Video Course – you can buy now over 13 hours of material!

Who are we?
What is our relationship with nature?
Does our body store old images of an original relationship with nature & the divine?
What were the concepts of our ancestors regarding the feminine relationship with nature and how was this reflected in the various female Goddesses? Where does our incredible strength come from?
How can it be experienced? How can we deepen it?
What is the relationship between pain and the individual and collective pain body?
Are we as women sharing the same pain or do we share its source?
Can we overcome it together and transform it?
Let’s find out together!
In the midst of this turbulent, human-changing time, these questions seem more important than ever.
We as women are challenged and asked more than ever before to keep the energies positive, to remain in love and firmly anchored in ourselves, to send out light into the collective consciousness and thus to strengthen and support everything and everyone around us.
Together we rise.
To a new beginning, to a long-needed and long-awaited transformation. To a rebirth for us and for Mother Earth.
Meeting each other renewed , finding ourselves again in order to unite. Getting together and being creative. Supporting and encouraging each other.
A New Earth needs a strong feminine power, principle and ethical orientation of society based on the feminine attributes and gifts of softness, care, emotional intelligence, giving and unconditional love. In the course of the still ongoing suppression of women, many of us have learned to hide or suppress our Divine Feminine Power, our innermost force.
The Great Goddess is always in each one of us. She is just waiting to change over and over again, to awaken anew, stronger than ever before; to blossom and sparkle&create something new in the eternal cycle of life.
Our Great Mother has always helped us by appearing in different shapes and Archetypes.
Discover with us the these different forms she appears in & her different ways of showing us the divine feminine principle of unconditional love & wisdom in all its facets.
Thereby we will also explore how these different energies play out in ourselves and in our lives. We all have all those Archetypes inside of us, whether we are conscious of them or not.
In different phases of our lives we might connect more to one or another or we might need or call upon one certain Goddess & Archetype.
All sessions are recorded, over 13h material! You can then work with them at your own pace.
Every week we will focus on another Goddess & Archetype
Isis/Maria Magdalene
She gifts us her wisdom of the rose lineage and shows us the meaning of the Christ consciousness through compassion, forgiveness and being in service.
Frau Holle/ Baba Yaga
White Buffalo Calf Woman
She teaches us that there is no creation without the magical power of our feminity and sensuality. Through her we learn to be magnetic through our sweetness and the high magic teachings of water which run through the feminine bloodline.
Click here to buy the course!
I am so thankful for the work of you both. The course with the group of women was a wonderful experience. On one side I learned a lot about the herstory. The knowledge of goddesses in different religions, the aspects of the devine feminine in the tales of different parts of the world and with that a lot of rituals and ways to embody this energy in my life. On the other hand the meeting with this various group of women from all over the world became so important date in my week. I am still amazed how trustful and open and connected we all feel after this short time of knowing. Amazed of the energy of the room we… continue “Lisa”
It was an enriching voyage through the feminine energy and a great learning experience about how it can flow and about the usages and extent of its creative power. It was overall a great way to connect individually with the female energy within me, but as well as with the collective, including that extra magic feeling that lights up whenever a group of women decided to join their forces. Thank you Katharina and Helena and to all the women of this circle united in the search to rediscover themselves.
I found this course through Elena, which I follow for some years on Instagram now. I love her energy, stories and knowledge she shares and so I felt the calling to parcitipate in this course to learn more about the spiritual feminism and general femninity, the goddesses and archetypes. I love history and story telling and I think in this course both were combined pretty well. Katharina and Elena are beautiful souls and shared a lot of wisdom, held a space where everyone could talk free from her heart without being juged and I felt very welcomed and connected to them and all other women who participated. We shared our wisdom, fears, parts of our stories, vulnerability and I am… continue “Jasmin”
Thank you Katharina and Elena for creating this beautiful journey. I’m so grateful to have shared this month along with this group of women and with both of you Love the way how we started each session, with beautiful music, introspection, reflection moments. The energy was unique each time, I can say that I learned a lot to connect more with my feminine part as i am currently working on my polarities. The timing was just perfect to join this special program. The knowledge you share was super powerful. I was waiting for this meeting every week and I’m so happy to have been part of it. I learned that i’m more in my femine than i thought now need… continue “Sonia Apsara”
Meditating and connecting with my higher selves was my coping mechanism after my grandma had passed away Attending the online course of the Female Archetypes with the beautiful souls Elena and Katherine was right on time Connecting with the goddesses, sharing and releasing with the circle of sisters was so beneficial and healing A loving circle with a soothing energy was surrounding our gatherings on the Zoom platform, recommending experiencing it one self Thank you Elena and Katherine for this and the sisters who attended too 🙏🏻🤍
The course has brought so much reflection and remembrance of deep suppressed inner knowing about my feminine energy’s and ancestors. I was able to connect with wonderful sister all over the world and we held a powerful space together. The course made my cry, laugh and love at the same time. My connection to Mother Earth and my ancestors got even deeper and strengthened.
This was my takeaway: Katarina and Elena cultivated a powerful sacred space (in spite of being online) in which I was reminded of how much I already innately know as a woman, which was supported and brought to light in the sharing of their rich and invaluable wealth of knowledge. Thank you sisters. Ps.: My relationship to water has changed. I was raised to be aware of water consumption from a fear based place, and now I have the opportunity to connect with the water, bodies that have always been a big part of my life and healing, in a more thoughtful, peaceful, and harmonious way. I am very grateful for that light having been turned on. 🙏🏼
What you will experience & get in this course
13h of recorded video material where we learn about the mythical, herstorical and cultural background & story of every Goddess
Practical advise on how to integrate their wisdom into your daily life through ritual, ceremony & embodiment practices
We will also include insights into the political aspect of how patriarchy got established in the first place.
How did all of this start? Why are we nowadays still experiencing all the immense consequences in terms of inequality and injustice?
We will further discuss how the suppression of the feminine energy / Anima inside of men have caused an externalisation resulting in suppression of the sacred feminine in general and thereby the suppression and abuse and dominance / control / over women.
We believe that activism without spirituality is empty and lacking depth as it only touches and affects a certain dimension.
Spirituality without activism is too esoteric, not leading to the necessary steps and changes we so desperately need. Political activism embedded in rituals and ceremony, prayers and magic
– that’s what we want!

In the course of our online journey you will receive and experience:
- journaling & poetry
- songs and medicine
- music
- guided meditations
- lectures, discussions and sharing circles
- recordings of every session
- a beautiful union of authentic & strong sisterhood / brotherhood where we support and empower each other and where we can truly be our raw and authentic selves
All genders and orientations are welcome!
We need all of you for creating the New Earth
So much love,
Elena Judith & Katharina Louise
Who We Are

Katharina Louise
& Elena Judith
We are two soul sisters that have found each other again in this lifetime to walk and embody the path of sisterhood together. We share a tremendous love and passion for music and singing, transpersonal therapy, ancestral healing, yoga and meditation, sacred feminine wisdom, earth consciousness, ritual and ceremony, astrology and ancient mysticism. We hold retreats under the name of UNTAMED – Retreats for Wild Women as well as several individual workshops, retreats and ceremonies – together and alone.